Storytelling Basics and Techniques:
"Stories are to share and tell. While we encourage the art of sharing stories, we want to encourage respect in our community. You deserve respect, respect others.A storyteller's personal, family, and original stories are her/his copyrighted property. It is unethical and illegal to tell another person's original, personal, and/or family stories without the permission of the author/storyteller.
Folklore and folktales are owned by the public, but a specific version told by an individual teller or found in a collection is the author's or teller's copyrighted property. If you like a folktale a storyteller has told, ask that teller for a reference or where it can be found. Research the story by finding other versions, and then tell it your way.
Published literary tales and poetry are copyrighted material. They may be told at informal story swaps, but when you tell another's story in a paid professional setting, you need to research copyright law.
When telling anywhere, it is common courtesy to credit the source of your story.
If you hear anyone breaking these rules of etiquette, it is your responsibility to discuss the rules with them and to tell the storyteller whose tales they are telling.
Pass stories, share stories, and encourage respect within the storytelling community. Please feel free to copy this etiquette statement and pass it out or read it at storytelling events."
There are a number of Storytelling Newletters being published as well.
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