Stewardship 101: An Overview

taught by Barry McWilliams
Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church Adult Class Fall 2003

Part One: Basic Principles

Part Two: More on the matters of money

Part Three: God's Provision: our Material and Spiritual resources

This course began as I prepared a series of talks for an Arch-Deacons Conference at Lweza in Uganda in March of 2003. The trip itself was quite an eye-opener and challenged me to further study. Stewardship is a neglected topic in the contemporary Western Church. And the needs of the "third world" certainly call for much fresh thinking regarding the subject - just try explaining the concept of tithing to someone in a barter culture. The above are a list of the topics I considered in the weeks of teaching this class. These topics are significantly bigger than what we were able to cover in 45 minutes, but I hoped to at least give a good introduction to them. Certainly, I learned a great deal while preparing and teaching this class. To assist the class in coming to grips with what the Bible teaches on "stewardship" - a series of written self studies were provided, along with the various handouts each week.

More Resources: See my Stewardship 101 Bibliography
This annotated bibliography includes my sources, links to various web sites and a section on Christian Micro-Enterprise development. CMED

My complete set of pdf files in one - about 120 pages of material.

To contact Barry McWilliams -

© 2002 Barry McWilliams